Cookie Policy

Every time you visit our website, information showing your access and usage is collected through various data acquisition tools or by third parties operating on our behalf and account, using relevant technologies, in order to make our website useful, effective, secure and to serve you better.

What is a cookie (“Cookie”)?

Cookies are very small text files, usually letters and numbers, where users in browsers are stored when a web page is visited. It records what people search on websites in the browser history. It allows a website by keeping the movements on the site in browser logs. Cookies can be likened to identity cards that show websites that the same visitor has re-visited the site. Cookies do not contain personal data about visitors, such as name, gender or address. For more detailed information on cookies, you can visit and

Types of Cookies and Purposes of Use

Cookies managed by the site owner are called Website Cookies. Apart from this, it can be used in third party Cookies managed by different companies. Session Cookies are deleted when the visitor leaves the website, while persistent Cookies remain on the visitors’ devices for varying periods of time. Technical Cookies, verification Cookies, targeting/advertising Cookies, personalization Cookies and analytical Cookies are Cookies that we can diversify according to the purpose of use. Cookies can be used to perform the basic functions necessary for the operation of the website, to analyze the website and to increase its performance, to increase the functionality of the website and to provide ease of use, and to perform personalization, targeting and advertising activities.

Cookie Preferences management

Your preferences regarding which personal data will be collected during the process by which you use our Rund-A Website are extremely important to us. However, preference management is not possible for Cookies, which are mandatory for the website to work. In addition, we remind you that if some Cookies are turned off, various functions of the Website may not work. The information on how you can manage the preferences regarding Cookies on our website while using our website is as follows: You have the right to customize your preferences by changing the browser settings in which you view our website. If the browser you use offers this possibility, it is possible to change the preferences for Cookies through your browser settings. Thus, although it may differ according to the possibilities offered by the browser, data owners have the opportunity to prevent the use of Cookies, to choose to receive a warning before the use of Cookies, or to disable or delete only some Cookies. Preferences on this subject vary according to the browser you use, and you can access the general explanation at Your preferences for cookies may need to be made separately for each device you access our website.